KQL Detections - Time
Date: 22. April 2022
Show Content
- 0:00 Welcome to KQL Cafe + Poll
- What's new in KQL:
- 3:16 Microsoft 365 Defender Connector
- 8:31 Extend Columns Microsoft Sentinel
- Working with IOCs:
- 10:18 BlackCat Ransomware IoC
- Learning KQL:
- 16:18 mv-expand
- KQL Tools:
- 25:06 Get PowerShell cmdlets from a PowerShell module
- Our KQL Guest:
- 26:58 Olaf Hartong KQL detection times
- What did you do with KQL this month?
- 1:15:05 Defender Threat and Vulnerability Management
- 1:18:06 Microsoft Sentinel Connector Health
- Hello again
- What's new in KQL
- IOCs
- Learn KQL
- KQL Tools
- Todays guest speaker: Olaf Hartong
- What did you do with KQL this month?
- KQL Challenge of the month
What's new in KQL
Microsoft 365 Defender Connector in Microsoft Sentinel
Additional tables can now be ingested the from Microsoft 365 Defender Connector into Microsoft Sentinel.
- Microsoft Defender for Identity
- IdentityLogonEvents
- IdentityQueryEvents
- IdentityDirectoryEvents
- MIcrosoft Defender for Cloud Apps
- CloudAppEvents
- Microsoft 365 Defender
- AlertEvidence
Learn KQL
//Expand JSON
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| where ProviderName == "MDATP"
| extend ParsedEnties = parse_json(Entities)
| mv-expand ParsedEnties
| where ParsedEnties contains "MdatpDeviceId"
| extend DeviceID = tostring(ParsedEnties.MdatpDeviceId)
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| where ProviderName == "MDATP"
| extend ParsedEnties = parse_json(Entities)
| mv-expand todynamic(ParsedEnties)
| extend DeviceID = ParsedEnties.MdatpDeviceId
//Expand Series
let lookBack_long = 30d;
let TimeFrame = 3h;
| where TimeGenerated > ago(lookBack_long)
| make-series SignIn = count() on TimeGenerated in range(startofday(ago(lookBack_long)),now(), TimeFrame) by UserPrincipalName
| extend (AnomaliesDetected, AnomaliesScore, AnomaliesBaseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(SignIn, 3, -1, 'linefit')
| mv-expand TimeGenerated, AnomaliesScore, SignIn, AnomaliesDetected, AnomaliesScore, AnomaliesBaseline
| where SignIn > 5
//Expand List
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| summarize make_list(UserPrincipalName)
| mv-expand list_UserPrincipalName
KQL Tools
Generate a KQL query that includes PowerShell cmdlets from a specific Module
function New-KQPSModuleFunctions
New-KQPSModulecmdlets creates kusto query to search for PowerShell commands
included in the specified PowerShell module name
The name of the PowerShell module
The path to the PowerShell module psd file
The path where the generated kql query is saved
New-KQPSModuleFunctions -ImportPsd C:\temp\powersploit.psd1
This command creates a kql query including all functions included in the Powersploit
module and saves the query to the clipboard
New-KQPSModuleFunctions -ImportPsd C:\temp\powersploit.psd1 -Path C:\Temp
This command creates a kql query including all functions included in the powersploit
module and saves the query to c:\temp\ps_powersploit.kql
New-KQPSModuleFunctions -ModuleName netsecurity
This command creates a kql query including all functions included in the netsecurity
module and saves the query to the clipboard
New-KQPSModuleFunctions -ModuleName netsecurity -Path c:\temp
This command creates a kql query including all functions included in the netsecurity
module and saves the query to c:\temp\ps_netsecurity.kql
Author: Alex Verboon
Date: 11.07.2020
Version 1.0
# PowerShell Module
# The path to the PowerShell module psd1 file
# The path where the kql query is saved
If ($ImportPsd){
$psdcontent = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $ImportPsd
$PsCmds = ($psdcontent.FunctionsToExport) -join '","'
$ModuleVersion = $psdcontent.ModuleVersion
$ModuleName = (Split-Path $ImportPsd -Leaf).Split(".")[0]
if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $ModuleName)){
Write-Error "Specified Module $ModuleName not found"
$PsCmds = (get-command -Module "$ModuleName").Name -join '","'
$ModuleInfo = Get-Module -Name "$ModuleName"
$ModuleVersion = $ModuleInfo.Version
$let = 'let pscommands = dynamic ([' + '"' + $PsCmds + '"' + ']);'
$kqlquery = @"
// Search for PowerShell commands included in the PowerShell module: $ModuleName Version:$ModuleVersion)
| where ActionType contains "PowerShellCommand"
| where AdditionalFields has_any (pscommands)
If (Test-Path $Path){
Write-Output "Saving KQL query to $path\kql_$ModuleName.kql"
Set-Content -Path "$path\ps_$ModuleName.kql" -Value $kqlquery -Force
Write-Output "KQL query saved to clipboard"
$kqlquery | clip
Guest Speaker Olaf Hartong
This month our guest speaker was Olaf Hartong.
A blog post will be published soon.
What did you do with KQL this month?
Defender for Endpoint - Software Vulnerabilities
// Software Vulnerability Overview
| summarize make_list(VulnerabilitySeverityLevel), make_set(DeviceId), make_set(CveId), make_set(SoftwareVersion)
, Critical = make_set_if(CveId, VulnerabilitySeverityLevel == 'Critical'),
High = make_set_if(CveId, VulnerabilitySeverityLevel == 'High'),
Medium = make_set_if(CveId, VulnerabilitySeverityLevel == 'Medium'),
Low = make_set_if(CveId, VulnerabilitySeverityLevel == 'Low')
by SoftwareName, SoftwareVendor
| extend ExposedDevices = array_length(set_DeviceId)
| extend TotalVulnerabilities = array_length(set_CveId)
| extend VersionDistribution = array_length(set_SoftwareVersion)
| extend Critical = array_length(Critical)
| extend High = array_length(High)
| extend Medium = array_length(Medium)
| extend Low = array_length(Low)
| project SoftwareVendor, SoftwareName, ExposedDevices, TotalVulnerabilities, Critical, High, Medium, Low
Connector Health
let connectortable = datatable (Connector: string, LogTable: string) [
"Azure Active Directory", "SigninLogs",
"Azure Active Diretory", "AuditLogs",
"Azure Active Directory", "AADManagedIdentitySignInLogs",
"Azure Active Directory", "AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs",
"Azure Active Directory", "AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs",
"Azure Active Directory", "AADProvisioningLogs",
"Sentinel", "ThreatIntelligenceIndicator",
"Office 365", "OfficeActivity",
"Azure", "AzureActivity",
"Microsoft Defender for Endpoint", "DeviceLogonEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Endpoint", "DeviceProcessEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Endpoint", "DeviceRegistryEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Endpoint", "DeviceInfo",
"Microsoft Defender for Endpoint", "DeviceFileEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Endpoint", "DeviceNetworkEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Endpoint", "DeviceNetworkInfo",
"Microsoft Defender for Endpoint", "DeviceImageLoadEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Endpoint", "DeviceEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Endpoint", "DeviceFileCertificateInfo",
"Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps", "CloudAppEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps", "McasShadowItReporting",
"Microsoft Defender for Office 365", "EmailEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Office 365", "EmailAttachmentInfo",
"Microsoft Defender for Office 365", "EmailUrlInfo",
"Microsoft Defender for Office 365", "EmailPostDeliveryEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Identity", "IdentityLogonEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Identity", "IdentityQueryEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Identity", "IdentityDirectoryEvents",
"Microsoft Defender for Identity","Azure Advanced Threat Protection",
"Azure Firewall","AZUREFIREWALLS",
"Azure Key Vault","VAULTS",
"Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF)","APPLICATIONGATEWAYS"
// Defender for Endpoint
DeviceEvents, DeviceFileEvents, DeviceProcessEvents, DeviceRegistryEvents, DeviceImageLoadEvents,DeviceNetworkEvents, DeviceNetworkInfo, DeviceLogonEvents, DeviceInfo, DeviceFileCertificateInfo,
// Azure AD
SigninLogs,AuditLogs, AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs, AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs, AADManagedIdentitySignInLogs,
// Azure
// Defender for Identity
IdentityDirectoryEvents, IdentityLogonEvents, IdentityQueryEvents,
// Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
CloudAppEvents, // McasShadowItReporting
// Defender for Office 365
EmailEvents, EmailAttachmentInfo, EmailUrlInfo, EmailPostDeliveryEvents,
// Office 365
// Sentinel
// Azure Firewall
| summarize
Entries = count(),
last_log_minute = datetime_diff("minute", now(), max(TimeGenerated)),
last_log_hours = datetime_diff("hour", now(), max(TimeGenerated)),
last_log_days = datetime_diff("day", now(), max(TimeGenerated)),
last_logdate = max(TimeGenerated) by Type, ResourceType
| project ['TableName'] = Type,
['Table Entries'] = Entries,
['Last Record Minutes'] = last_log_minute,
['Last Record Hours'] = last_log_hours,
['Last Record Days'] = last_log_days,
last_logdate, ResourceType
| order by ['Last Record Minutes'] desc
| join kind=leftouter connectortable
on $left.['TableName'] == $right.LogTable
| join kind=leftouter connectortable
on $left.ResourceType == $right. LogTable
| extend Connector = strcat(Connector, Connector1)
| where isnotempty( Connector)
| project last_logdate,Connector, ['TableName'], ['Table Entries'], ['Last Record Minutes'], ['Last Record Hours'], ['Last Record Days'] //, ResourceType
//| where ['Last Record Days'] > 0
| where ['Last Record Hours'] > 4